Foundational Principles for Digital Resilience Framework

Foundational Principles for Digital Resilience Framework

Holistic digital resilience helps individuals, organizations, communities, and nations recognize and effectively manage the wide variety of risks emanating from natural disasters and extreme climate events, health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, and online threats.

A clear lesson from COVID-19 is that the future will continue to be disruptivenew trends and shocks will
continue to affect lives which is why resilience building is more crucial than ever. Another clear lesson is the importance of digitalization and digital resilience as the world becomes more dependent on digital systems and technologies to cope, recover, adapt, and evolve in this new reality.

Today, people are growing up in an increasingly digital world, and digital technologies are present in most areas of life. Despite the digital divide among different sections of society, digitalization overall is increasing and contributing to our interconnectedness. Furthermore, the rapid rise of Digital Transformation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are driving the widespread adoption of these technologies. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development firmly positions digital technologies as enablers to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by stimulating innovation and enhancing efficiencies.1 For example, digital technologies have extended healthcare to remote areas, improved agricultural productivity and farmers’ access to markets, and promoted financial inclusion through mobile money. More recently, digital technologies have been playing a vital role in supporting COVID-19 response and recovery.

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