Research, Analysis and Publications

Research, Analysis and Publications

The modern world moves quickly. New technologies are constantly being developed. Many of the world’s problems are not new. Hunger, access to clean water, and basic human rights have been constant challenges throughout history. But new problems are continually emerging, from COVID to the need for cybersecurity and data privacy. Due to the complexities of our modern world, competent research and analysis is essential for effective problem solving. It forms the core of our work on every project.

And of course, as a project progresses, publishing our conclusions and results can be a key factor in project success, from securing ongoing funding to improving public acceptance.

Examples of Our Work

Professor Abbasi joins the ITU High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) of Cybersecurity. Geneva, Switzerland.

eWorldwide Group invited to join the ITU High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) of Cybersecurity by Secretary General Hamadoun Touré, Geneva, Switzerland,

eWorldwide Group signs MoU with UN ITU. Geneva, Switzerland.

ITU Director, Dr Sami Al Bashir, Chairperson and CEO, eWorldwide Group, Professor  Salma Abbasi and ITU Secretary General, Dr Hamadoun Touré sign MoU to jointly design and develop a global initiative, Child Online Protection (CoP) to keep children and young people safe online, Geneva, Switzerland.


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Tel:+971 5028 80806
