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Our Expertise

Holistic Human Resilience in the World of AI

With the rapid advancement and integration of digital technology, and…

Collaborating with Asia Pacific University (APU) to promote ‘Human Resilience in the AI World’ 

Prof. Abbasi’s lecture, ‘Building Human Resilience in the World of Artificial…

Collaboration with Cybersecurity Malaysia (CSM)

eWorldwide Group in discussions with Cybersecurity Malaysia, Chief Executive Officer, Dato…
Foundational Principles for Digital Resilience Framework

Foundational Principles for Digital Resilience Framework

Holistic digital resilience helps individuals, organizations, communities, and nations recognize…
Sustainable, Secure and Inclusive Digital Resilience (DR)

Sustainable, Secure and Inclusive Digital Resilience (DR)

A clear lesson from the COVID-19 crisis is that it…

eWorldwide Group collaborates with ECA to design and develop AI Research Centre of Excellence for Africa.

Designed and created international collaboration framework, international university linkages, training…
Prof. Abbasi to speak at WSIS Forum 2021

Prof. Abbasi to speak at WSIS Forum 2021

Professor Salma Abbasi will be representing eWorldwide Group and speaker…


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