The eWorldwide Group (eWWG) is an international organization, focusing on science, technology and innovation, ethical applications of technology for inclusive and sustainable development and cyber-safety. We drive change through digital transformation and the use of technology for social good, stimulating innovation while emphasizing human factors, human resilience and right skilling.
We work with governments, development agencies, non-profits, and multinational corporations to enable enduring sustainability in underserved and emerging economies to ultimately achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a sustainable future for all.
eWorldwide Group was founded in 2001 by Professor Salma Abbasi whose career as a technologist in Silicon Valley has spanned more than three decades, rising from an AMD Engineer to a Senior Vice President and Chief Quality Officer at Lucent Technologies. With her passion for philanthropy and social activism and experience with technology, eWorldwide Group was formed as an ideal outlet to combine these qualities to deliver impactful and socially responsible technology led services and solutions around the world.
Working within an innovative business model that includes a consortium of 37 successful international companies and universities, including several Fortune 500 companies, we are able to provide not only state-of-the-art, turnkey technology solutions but also relevant and effective skills development and training.
Our team has unique expertise in the challenges of driving economic development and change, particularly in the context of achieving the SDGs. This includes deep experience in the engagement and management of multi-sector stakeholders, and 20+ years integrating and managing technologies for social good. eWorldwide Group has a track record of success in creating strategic and tactical implementation roadmaps, policy reforms, and processes for training, re-skilling and capacity building.
Partners include multiple United Nations organizations, development banks and universities and customers include governments of Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tunisia, Uganda and Zambia, and major corporations such as Microsoft, Toyota and Unilever.